About Me

Hello there, and welcome to thestreetsnapsource.com! I’m Derek, the founder and enthusiast of all things related to street photography.

As I was growing up, I developed a keen interest in photography and the intricate process that it involves. My journey began with film photography during my college days, where I immersed myself in the world of black and white film. I often explored abandoned buildings, and took the typical cliche photos that were part of my “I am an artist” persona.

Over time, I developed a deeper understanding of photography, and I now have a deep appreciation for the art of capturing moments. I’ve come to treasure the process of achieving a good photograph more than the notion of being an artist. The sheer gratification of capturing a great photo has become my only drive.

As a fellow street photographer, I aim to impart my knowledge to you. My aspiration is not only to educate but also to create content that empowers you to elevate your photography skills to the next level. I hope to do just that and make you the best photographer you can be.

The Street Snap Source