Fujfilm x100v Review: What You Need to Know

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Welcome to our in-depth review of the Fujifilm X100V. We’ll go into the standout features of the Fujifilm X100V. Its mainly known for its retro design, advanced hybrid viewfinder, and weather-sealing capabilities. I’ll also go over performance, including its shooting speed, low-light capabilities, and battery life. If after this review you’d like to explore the best alternatives to the Fujfilm x100v I also have a guide on that.

Standout Features of the Fujifilm X100V

  • Compact Size 
  • Advanced Hybrid Viewfinder: The advanced hybrid viewfinder, which seamlessly integrates an electronic viewfinder with an optical viewfinder.
  • Weather-Sealing Capabilities: Designed to withstand various weather conditions, the X100V is weather-sealed to protect against dust and moisture. 
  • Autofocus isn’t that reliable
  • Price is High
  • No In-Body Image Stabilization to capture sharp images.
  • Fixed Lens – could be a pro if you’re cool with only 35mm

fujifilm x100v
Fujifilm X100V
Check Prices
26.1MP, Fixed 23mm f/2 lens
Autofocus Speed, Battery Life, Hybrid Viewfinder, Film Simulation Modes
Price, Hard to Find

Performance of the Fujifilm X100V

One of the standout features of the X100V is its impressive shooting speed. Whether you’re photographing fast-moving subjects or capturing a decisive moment, this camera delivers quick and precise autofocus, ensuring you never miss a shot.

A lower value indicates a faster speed.

From this chart you can see the Fujifilm X100v’s autofocus speed is extremely fast compared to other cameras. It only loses to the Sony Rx100 VII which is a compact point and shoot camera. You would be sacrificing the ability to have an amazing hybrid viewfinder for the slight increase in autofocus speed.

What’s more, the camera has a better grip, and feels more like a full-fledged camera. The X100V’s low-light capabilities are great due to improved sensor technology. It has high ISO performance, allowing you to capture sharp and noise-free images.

Although the Ricoh GRIII wins in the ISO department, you pretty much will never get a “keeper” from ISO levels at that level with the Ricoh GRIII, most of the useable photos tend to be at 3200 ISO, and 6400 ISO if you’re really pushing it and can accept the insane amount of noise. So, I’d say the Fujfilm X100v wins as you are getting as much ISO capabilities as you need.

Image Quality of the Fujifilm X100V

The Fujifilm X100V has some of the best image quality for a camera of its size. It’s up to you how important image quality is, and if the Leica Q2’s pricepoint is worth the superior image quality. Moreover, if you’d like to check out a more comprehensive review between these two cameras I’d suggest to read more here. Also, if you’d like to check out a complete review of the Leica Q2 here you go.

Fujifilm X100V Battery Life

The Fujifilm X100v wins compared to most of the other camera for battery life. For the smaller compact options you are getting half as many photos, and you tend to have to buy an extra battery. With the Fujifilm X100v if you are more careful with your shooting and take your time to compose you can easily get away with taking 400 photos. In a couple of hours, If you carry over the disciplined approach to shooting from film cameras.


What are the standout features of the Fujifilm X100V?

The Fujifilm X100V boasts a compact size, retro design, advanced hybrid viewfinder, and weather-sealing capabilities, providing a unique shooting experience.

How does the Fujifilm X100V perform?

The Fujifilm X100V delivers exceptional performance with its powerful X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor, high-speed image processor, versatile autofocus system, and impressive shooting speed and low-light capabilities.

What is the image quality of the Fujifilm X100V?

The Fujifilm X100V offers stunning image quality with its 26.1-megapixel sensor and advanced color reproduction technology, producing impressive dynamic range, low-light performance, and overall image sharpness.

How much does the Fujifilm X100V cost and what are its specifications?

The price range of the Fujifilm X100V varies depending on the retailer. It comes with specifications such as lens options, viewfinder details, connectivity options, and battery life, providing a comprehensive package for photographers.

How does the Fujifilm X100V compare to other cameras?

In comparison to similar cameras on the market, the Fujifilm X100V has its own strengths and weaknesses. We’ll explore these in detail to help you make an informed decision if considering the X100V or alternatives.

How can the Fujifilm X100V elevate my photography?

The Fujifilm X100V enhances your photography with its intuitive controls, customizable settings, and exceptional image quality. If the X100V doesn’t meet your specific needs, we’ll also discuss potential alternatives.

This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I know personally used, and can attest to their high quality. Learn more on my private policy page

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