When Is the Best Time to Use a 35mm Lens?

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The 35mm focal length is a great choice for street photography. It’s no wonder the best and most famous street photographers have always gravitated towards this focal length. It allows you to get the human perspective in a slightly wider perspective to give you more of a window to the world.

When viewing a picture in 35mm not only do you feel like you’re there. But you also get a unique look that allows you to frame as many people into the frame. And place them in an interesting way that is almost like a painting. It’s the best focal lengths as it gives you the most freedom as the depth of field and distance from your subject gives you a lot of wiggle room. Where you stand and how close you get to your subject is also a lot more freeing than with other focal lengths which have a more restrictive feel.

The Advantages of a 35mm Lens for Street Photography

  • capture multiple subjects
  • wider perspective than the human eye
  • enough space to take photos of things that are close and far away
  • lightweight and unobtrusive
  • best for zone focusing

One of the key advantages is its wide field of view, which allows you to capture multiple subjects in the frame or include a subject and a background, making it perfect for capturing juxtapositions or multiple elements in a single photo if you’re trying to be the next Alex Webb.

For street scenes where quick focusing is important a lightweight camera is essential. Longer walks are more comfortable with a 35mm lens. Since a 35mm lens is light and compact it allows you to concentrate on composing.

the 35mm is great for zone focusing because of its greater depth of field. The wider aperture and fixed focal length enables you to pre set your focus ring to a certain spot and click away.

The Benefits of a 50mm Lens for Street Photography

  • distance allows you to take photos from a comfortable distance
  • compress the scene to focus on one subject
  • ideal for portraits
  • closer to what the human eye sees

One of the main benefits of using a 50mm lens for street photography is that it allows you to stay at a comfortable distance, giving you the freedom to observe and document without intruding on the scene.

the focal length is considered to be close to what the human eye sees, making it a natural choice for capturing authentic street scenes.

When to Use the 35mm Lens Versus the 50mm Lens

35mm Lens:

The 35mm lens is ideal for busy urban areas where people move fast and are close together. Its wider field of view enables you to capture multiple subjects and elements in a frame, making it suitable for documenting fast-moving scenes with many elements.

This lens is perfect for capturing the energy and vibrancy of street life. The 35mm lens also allows for greater depth of field, making it easier to capture sharp images even if the focus is slightly off.

35mm nyc view

50mm Lens:

The 50mm lens, also known as a standard lens, is better suited for quieter areas with more space between subjects. It allows for more focused shots of individual subjects and is ideal for capturing street portraits.

The 50mm lens enables you to emphasize your main subject, capturing their features and expressions without distractions. With this lens, you can create intimate and engaging portraits while maintaining a comfortable distance from your subjects.

Composition Preference:

The choice between a 35mm lens and a 50mm lens also depends on your composition style. If you gravitate towards images that include multiple subjects or elements in the frame, the wider field of view offered by the 35mm lens can help you create more dynamic and layered compositions.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more focused and intimate approach, the 50mm lens allows you to isolate your subject and draw attention to their expressions and emotions.

Recommended 35mm Lenses for Street Photography

Fuji X100V

The Fuji X100V is a compact camera that packs a punch. It features a fixed 35mm equivalent lens that delivers excellent image quality and fast autofocus performance. With its compact size, you can easily carry it around for street photography without drawing too much attention. The Fuji X100V is favored by many street photographers for its retro look and easy controls.

Sony 35mm f1.8

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The Sony 35mm f1.8 is a compact and lightweight lens that is quite affordable. It gets great depth of field and shallow bokeh as its a f/1.8. I’d say f/1.8 is the sweet spot where things don’t get too overly blurry that it becomes tacky. Plus, for the most part you will be zone focusing anyways.

Fujifilm XF35mmF2 R WR

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The Fujifilm XF35mmF2 R WR is a small, easy-to-carry lens that takes really clear pictures. Even though it’s light and compact, it’s tough enough to handle bad weather. It’s the fujifilm equivalent of the earlier sony lens basically.

Tips for Shooting with a 35mm Lens in Street Photography

One important aspect to consider is pre-visualization. Before bringing the camera to your eye, take a moment to observe your surroundings and imagine the shot you want to capture. This will help you anticipate the composition and framing, allowing you to react quickly when the perfect moment presents itself.

Experimenting with different shooting distances is also key. The 35mm focal length provides a wide field of view, making it ideal for capturing scenes with multiple subjects or incorporating interesting background elements. So, don’t be afraid to get closer to your subjects for more intimate and impactful street photographs. By filling the frame with your subject, you can capture their emotions and expressions in a captivating way.

Studying the work of other street photographers who use a 35mm lens can also provide inspiration and insights into different techniques. Pay attention to how they frame their shots, their use of light and shadows, and their compositions. You can learn a lot from their approach and apply it to your own street photography style. One of the most well-known photographers for this is Alex Webb.

edge of the frame

Pay attention to the edges of the frame

One of the challenges in street photography is dealing with cluttered compositions. With a wide field of view offered by the 35mm lens, it’s important to carefully observe the edges of the frame. Avoid distractions and unnecessary elements that can detract from your main subject. 

Utilize the wide field of view

The wide field of view provided by the 35mm lens allows you to include interesting background elements without overpowering your main subject. Experiment with incorporating urban surroundings, architecture, and other environmental features that enhance the narrative of your photograph. By using the wide perspective to your advantage, you can create more dynamic and visually engaging compositions.

Get closer to capture emotions

Don’t be afraid to get closer to your subjects when shooting with a 35mm lens. This focal length allows you to be intimate with your subjects, capturing their expressions and emotions in a more personal way. By getting closer, you can create a stronger connection between the viewer and the subject, resulting in more impactful and evocative street photographs.


Why is the 35mm lens considered the best lens for street photography?

The 35mm lens is versatile, allowing for a wide field of view and the ability to capture candid moments.

What are the benefits of using a prime lens for street photography?

They are lightweight and less noticeable, making them suitable for capturing intimate moments without drawing attention.

What are the advantages of a 35mm lens for street photography?

The 35mm lens provides a wide field of view, capturing multiple subjects or a subject and background in the frame. It also allows for greater depth of field and is suitable for zone focusing when you need to be quick.

When should I use a 35mm lens versus a 50mm lens?

The 35mm lens is ideal for busy urban areas with fast-moving scenes and multiple elements. The 50mm lens is better for quieter areas with more space between subjects and is ideal for capturing street portraits.


What tips do you have for shooting with a 35mm lens in street photography?

Pre-visualize your shots, practice estimating distances, experiment with different shooting distances and compositions.

How do I compose with a 35mm lens in street photography?

Pay attention to the edges of the frame to avoid cluttered compositions, use the wide field of view to include interesting background elements without overwhelming the subject

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